My biggest purpose is not only to make you believe that your goals and ideas are achievable (yes, they are!) but to make you believe in yourself.


Hi there!

My name is Beatrice Fischer and I’m a certified life coach based in Berlin. Most of my life I made decisions based on what I thought was the right thing to do. I was a chef for many years and worked in restaurants completely unhappy because I knew I had so much more to offer. I often wondered if I  was going to be stuck there forever and asked myself if there was something more to life than just having a job in order to pay rent.

Then I went through one of the most difficult periods of my life where I was determined to make a change and turn my life around.

I read every book I could find on psychology and personal growth, became a certified life coach and what I realised is that the answers lie within us, we only need to know how to listen and take action.

Which is where many of us get scared, because for most of our lives we based our decisions on what society or the people around us have told us.

But guess what? The life you crave for is not impossible.


We are all capable to become the person we want to be. We just need a clear vision, discipline and kindness towards ourselves.


I focus on your strengths and work through the blocks that prevent you from achieving your goal. Whether you want to explore a new path in your life or want to make long lasting changes. I work with NLP and visualization tecniques and through specific questions I can make my clients be masters of their own life.

You tell me what future you want for yourself and I help you design it.

Today I declare myself an optimist and living my best life, because I’m convinced we all have a contribution to this world and that is simply doing what makes us the happiest.


Certified Life Coach (DBCA) Dr. Bock Coaching Academy


I completed my Certified Life Coach (DBCA) training at Dr. Bock Coaching Academy in Berlin. It is known as one of the leading academies for coaching in Europe and teaches the first original and award-winning coaching approach of the 21st century.

As one of the few European institutes, the academy trains according to the strict ethical guidelines of the International Coaching Federation (ICF).

Scrum Master Training at

A Scrum Master is responsible for managing the exchange of information between team members.  At  Agile.Coach I learned the basics of Scrum, and the tools to support a development team, product owner and an entire organization.

They are recognized by the IFC and Scrum Alliance Federation.


Motivation comes from within — and I’m here to help you to turn it on!